While going through my twitter feed (sometime last week), I came across a tweet by Chris Pietschmann about his blog being listed as the top Microsoft Azure blog to follow in 2020. It sounded interesting to me. When I did some digging, I came across Feedspot’s list of top 50 Microsoft Azure Blogs, Websites and Influencers in 2020. It reviews and recommends the top blogs and websites on Microsoft Azure. I found it to be a great resource for anyone who follows the Azure Tech community and/or is interested in learning Azure.

Even though it says 50, it lists more than 50 resources. Last time when I checked it, it has listed 88 blogs and websites on Microsoft Azure.
As per my understanding, it subscribes to the feed from different Azure blogs and lists the top blogs based on the number of posts, social media reach, and other factors. Like Azure Blogs, Feedspot also lists top blogs and websites on different other topics as well.
On the top of the webpage, it gives an option to submit your own blog for review. I did that and within a few days, I got this email from Anuj Agarwal, founder of Feedspot –

Honestly, I didn’t expect my blog to make it into the list, but, I was super delighted to see my blog listed at #30* on the list. Even though I have been primarily focused on speaking and organizing community events so far, I’m glad to see the impact my blog has been making in the Azure tech community. In the past 6-7 months, my blog has seen close to 10000 visitors.

I know that I have not been an active blogger in the past, but, I hope getting this recognition will push me to blog more frequently and share my knowledge with the Azure tech community through this platform.
Thank you everyone for all the continued support throughout the year so far! I hope you will keep supporting my efforts in the Azure Tech Community!