Day 1 – Microsoft Ignite 2019

This is my first Microsoft Ignite and I am just loving it. It was an amazing first day with 30000+ attendees present in Orange County Convention center in Orlando, Fl. Here is a summary of my experience so far – It all started Saturday when I landed here in Orlando. I’ve picked up my badge … Read more

Switching modes in Cloud Shell running in Windows Terminal

I have been using Cloud shell for most of my day-to-day work for managing Azure resources – I have been using cloud shell through Azure portal until recently when I have installed Windows Terminal which is in Preview mode and supports multiple tabbed consoles. I have setup Windows Terminal to support Cloud Shell as well, … Read more

“InvalidTemplateDeployment” error while deploying ARM Template

I was working on a PowerShell script today to deploy a service fabric cluster using ARM template and came across a weird error – The template deployment ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’. See inner errors for details. Please see for usage details.   It was … Read more

Going Serverless with Azure Functions

I have presented a session in Omaha dot net user group in the month of September’2018 on “Going Serverless with Azure Functions” Here is the link to the presentation: Going Serverless with Azure Functions