Switching modes in Cloud Shell running in Windows Terminal

I have been using Cloud shell for most of my day-to-day work for managing Azure resources – I have been using cloud shell through Azure portal until recently when I have installed Windows Terminal which is in Preview mode and supports multiple tabbed consoles. I have setup Windows Terminal to support Cloud Shell as well, … Read more

“InvalidTemplateDeployment” error while deploying ARM Template

I was working on a PowerShell script today to deploy a service fabric cluster using ARM template and came across a weird error – The template deployment ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’. See inner errors for details. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-deploy for usage details.   It was … Read more

What is: Azure Storage Blob?

Microsoft Azure Storage provides an unstructured storage service for binary and text data known as Blob. It can be used to store any form of data including audio, video, images, documents and other media files. It can be accessed over the internet via HTTP or HTTPS, though the access can be controlled. The data stored in … Read more

How to: Remotely debug an Azure Web APP?

This post is in continuation of the post where I have explained how to host an Azure web app. In this post, I am going to show how to debug an Azure web app remotely. For the demo purpose, I have created a new web project and published the website on Azure following the steps in … Read more

How to: Host your First Azure Web App

If you have never hosted a web site on Azure and need some guidance, you are at the right place. When you have a web application, you can host it in 3 different ways in Azure – as an Azure Web App, as an Azure Cloud Service or inside a Azure Virtual Machine. In this post, I am … Read more